Marsha Morgan

Marsha Morgan

Service has always been a way of life for Marsha Morgan. She is one of the founding members of the Birmingham Change Fund, a giving circle founded in 2004. Currently, she serves as the Chair of the Community Investment Network, a national network of 19 giving circles impacting African Americans and communities of color. Members of the Community Investment Network believe in leveraging their resources of time, talent, treasure, and testimony to create change in their local communities. One of the most recent highlights of Marsha’s journey has included serving as a member of the Co-Design Team to strengthen and grow American giving circles. Philanthropy Together, launched in the Spring of 2020, was a collaborative effort between 5 giving circle networks to supply much-needed resources to organizations, communities, and causes often overlooked and neglected. Marsha is a member of several local civic and professional organizations, including the Birmingham Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Tennessee State University Alumni Chapter. The Engineering Council of Birmingham has recognized her for outstanding work in support of the Birmingham Change Fund, National Society of Black Engineers, Oasis Counseling Center for Women and Children, Ramsay High School Engineering Academy.

Marsha has a background in engineering and project management, with nearly 20 years of energy industry experience. She is an avid reader, loves to travel, enjoys connecting with new people, and championing great causes.


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Courtland J. Powers